The day started with this view over Lake Keechelus. And then the service crew from PSE showed up. The primary wire had been stolen out of the conduit a couple months after it was installed, back when the lot was subdivided. That's pretty insane: we learned a lot about 7.2kV primary wires today, and nothing we learned made me want to attach one to my pickup truck and try to drive away with it. That, and it's mostly of aluminum and has very little scrap value! So the first job was to blow the water out of the conduit. That was impressive. After the primary went in, Eliot dug out the ends of our service conduit, and the crew brought in the service wire spool to pull through it. A Squirrel got into the transformer wiring. No really, this guy's nickname was Squirrel. On the left side is the incoming 7.2kV primary. On the right are the split phase busses of the 240V secondary output. The neutrals are on the bottom. There are two secondary conduct...