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Showing posts from May, 2020

fixing up the floor joists

 Upon closer inspection, we put the triple joist in the wrong spot. So we retrofit a couple more joists to back up the lonely one.  Things to Do in a Cast: build rope structures.  Climb trees.   Climb trees with no hands.  We made a bucket pyramid. Siggy found this little froggy. Found this little mouse family in the insulation of our water meter box. Corndog with a view. Watched Pirates of the Carribbean and hit the bunks.

another big update

We finished the blocking and installed the upper loft floor. Siggy was with us. Here he is climbing scaffolding with his broken arm... We dehumidified and then vented the crawlspace to encourage the wood to dry back out.

one big update

We've been up to the cabin many weekends in the last couple months with no posts. I've been pretty busy with work, and with ordering parts and scheduling pros to come help us out. I'm falling behind on posting the story, so I'm going to just bite the bullet and do one big huge update with a bunch of little stories in it. Siobhan made a seat for a tree swing. Trillium is up! One long-running story was that, in our enthusiasm to get the cabin "dried in" with a roof on and housewrap, we hadn't yet gotten the crawlspace properly prepared. We only had two vents cut in, both of which got covered by housewrap. The crawlspace was exposed dirt. So there was a nice source of moisture and nowhere for it to vent to. When we returned in the spring, we had wet joists and a mold farm. Here, you see Siggy and Eliot flashing in the vents, and installing the metal flashing that ensures that water flowing down the house pours off onto the soil rathe...