I took this week off to make progress on pre-finishing the trim boards. Monday began with a lot of sanding and a lot of finishing The tree removal crew is up here, as well. We're thinning trees to help make the house safer with respect to forest fires, to make the remaining trees grow bigger, and perhaps to make room for a few different species. We really like the dark forest, but it'll be a better dark forest in a few years with fewer, bigger trees. Tuesday meant more sanding and more finishing. Siobhan came along. She split some firewood and kept her archery skills sharp. Wednesday Would you believe it? More sanding. More finishing. I finished the last of the sanding today. The sanding would have been much faster -- this wood left the mill beautiful -- except that, in shipping and handling, the wood took on a bunch of gravel, scratches, staples and forklift abuse. It was really frustrating cleaning up unnecessary damage. Thursday Three more finish applications. With the free...