We came up Wednesday night to spend Thursday trying to get far enough to pass the subfloor inspection.
Additional joists in a more interesting shape...
Dusk falls, more joists...
Six joists left for tomorrow, plus a whole lotta blocking and some special fasteners.
Sunrise over ... joists.
We got all the joists in. We had to pack up at noon to get back for Eliot's work. We still had at least an hour's worth of blocking to install, plus a dozen metal brackets that we needed to replace with galvanized versions. Rats!
We left a note for the inspector explaining what we knew was missing, and hit the road. The view at the pass was great.
...and during the ride, we got a call from the inspector. We have permission to continue! He'll inspect the missing bits when they come back for the next inspection. Hooray!
Hooray Hooray! Glad he was cool with it.