We picked up our first batch of electrical supplies from branches in Lynnwood and Ellensburg. As you can see from the sign, we weren't able to buy a receptacle.
Jon oiled the last three windows. Siggy climbed a tree and attached plywood to it.
Eliot re-framed the bottom course of stairs.
Toby & Dan joined us today for the heavy work of installing the sliding doors. We cut out and furred the openings to the correct size.
Lots of strong people to lift these monsters into place.
There they are, the last of the glass!
Siobhan puttied holes left in the ceiling by overzealous nail guns a floor above. Christina sanded it smooth, so the ceilings are ready for oil.
Christina oiled the fir window screens ... and sang Bohemian Rhapsody.
Jan came to enjoy the chaos ... and knit a hat.
Siggy worked on building a pantry for the little cabin.
Toby improved the steps to the toilet for Grandma Jan.
Siobhan made a thing. Guinivere made a plastic utensil holder for the shedlet.
Folks took an afternoon archery break. Bullseyes were made.
Remember the wall we re-framed for the electric panels? Our electrician wasn't crazy about that placement. Jon and Eliot fiddled around with the panels looking for a better option.
Guinivere and Eliot loaded up a trailer of brush to take to the neighbors' brush pile. We also grabbed some of their piles on the way up the hill.
Eliot fixed the steel-rope swing. It's safe now!
Meanwhile, Jon put another coat of varnish on the BA column and other bits of structural lumber that needed more attention.
Eliot and Guinivere took tools and pressure-treated lumber down to the canal bridge and gave it a little tune-up.
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