To get our electricity hooked up, we need to lay conduit in a trench from the meter base on the wall to the existing pit where the power company's wire pops out of conduit and connects to the temporary power pole.
We rented a toddler-sized excavator for a day. Jon dug the conduit trench while Christina measured.
Siggy cleaned up the lumpy bits in the bottom with a shovel.
While we had the machine, we dug another short trench to bring the water pipes over to where we'll install a reservoir tank. Siobhan did most of that digging and backfilling with the excavator (see top picture).
Since we had it anyway, Jon drove the excavator around attacking vine maple roots and smoothing out pits left over from electrical installation a couple years ago up at the shedlet.
Then we did a few odds and ends, like covering the vent holes with plywood blocks and cleaning up more low branches from the trees in the woods.
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