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Showing posts from November, 2021

Soffits and vents

If you liked all that inside wood, you're going to love doing it again outside! November 5-8 we got started putting the same tongue and groove material up for our soffits -- the exterior ceiling that covers the rafters. The first day was a slow setup day; we got one side of the front section done, and the other just started. Jon stayed late and finished up the other side -- once we had the rhythm it went pretty fast. The second day brought snow. We finished the north end and started down the west overhang, which is a little shorter than the other.   On Sunday we finished the west overhang. On Monday we got started on the bigger east overhang.   There two little gaps that needed to be filled, so Jon made just the right pieces of wood and painted them to match the siding. That wrapped up a four-day long weekend. Two weeks later, we put in another couple days. Saturday we arrived to find our worksite -- and materials -- covered in snow.   We got the east overhang mostly fin...