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Showing posts from October, 2020

Just the right hole in the ground

  To get our electricity hooked up, we need to lay conduit in a trench from the meter base on the wall to the existing pit where the power company's wire pops out of conduit and connects to the temporary power pole. We rented a toddler-sized excavator for a day. Jon dug the conduit trench while Christina measured. Siggy cleaned up the lumpy bits in the bottom with a shovel. While we had the machine, we dug another short trench to bring the water pipes over to where we'll install a reservoir tank. Siobhan did most of that digging and backfilling with the excavator (see top picture). Since we had it anyway, Jon drove the excavator around attacking vine maple roots and smoothing out pits left over from electrical installation a couple years ago up at the shedlet. Then we did a few odds and ends, like covering the vent holes with plywood blocks and cleaning up more low branches from the trees in the woods.

Done with exterior trim!

 (Some exclusions apply.) Eliot and I replaced our plywood front door with a cheap interior door from home depot, in an attempt to reduce the number of new mouse-shaped occupants. We got the range wiring installed. Next, we went after wiring the furnace. The good news was that we needed only a single run of 6awg wire -- we only needed a modest electric backup heater. The bad news was that the HVAC folks installed the furnace so that the electric supply input was 1.5" from a triple stud that we're not allowed to drill. We gave up at dinnertime. Saturday Eliot and Christina installed window trim legs on the laundry room window. Siobhan and Eliot installed more legs on the kitchen windows. A little caulking got astray. Siobhan shot a few bullseyes. This is Isaac and Jennifer, the couple that designed the building last year. Eliot thought this looked like a stock photo architect meeting, so I made Isaac wear a hardhat. Christina and Jon made the last few windowsills, and she paint...

Grinding away at the front facade trim

  We attached about seven pieces to the house this weekend. Fancy trim is hard work. We installed this second diagonal trim board. We put up vertical trim on either side of the doors so we could get on to putting in fiber cement siding panels. Siggy made a sign for the archery range and a model house. Guinivere made some of the diagonal trim that will go in the middle of the design. Siobhan is priming one of the upper diagonal trims that we need in place before installing siding panels.   Siggy, Guinivere and Siobhan slept at the shedlet with dad. Sunday Christina and Eliot installed the two lower siding panels. Eliot flashed the seam. Jon and Christina manufactured more of the middle trim panels. These panels took a lot  of test fitting and trim cycles. After that, they each get a dozen rip cuts to make reliefs to go around the window edge profiles and nailing flanges. Then more hand-cut reliefs for lumpy sections of waterproofing tape. Once the thing finally fits in pla...